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Aug 28 2007 :: Restricted feedback now availableMerchants now have the option of restricting feedback submissions to previous customers only. This is achieved through the use of a feedback code that must be submitted by visitors in order for their feedback to be accepted.
Aug 27 2007 :: First RSS feed now availableThe first RSS feed has been completed. This feed enables merchants to display between 1 and 20 of their most recent feedback submissions. Each submission contains visitor comments, along with the submitter's rating, first name, country, and time of submission.
Aug 22 2007 :: Restricted feedback coming soonBased on the concern expressed by some merchants that competitors may submit erroneous feedback, the SiteTrust Network will soon enable members to select between restricted and unrestricted feedback. This feature will come into action sometime next week.
Aug 21 2007 :: RSS feeds in developmentRSS feeds are now in development. These will enable merchants to use RSS technology to display validated customer feedback direclty on their site. This feature will provide an alternative to the direct feedback feeds which use iframes. The RSS feeds are designed for advanced users who wish to take full control over the display of feedback on their website. Aug 10 2007 :: Extensions to the Help CenterVarious extensions have been made to the merchant help center. The extensions cater for the addition of new features such as the downloadable shopping cart modules. Aug 09 2007 :: osCommerce site seal module available for downloadAn osCommerce site seal module is now available for download. The module enables osCommerce shop owners to display a SiteTrust Network seal on either the left or right column. More osCommerce modules will be added over time.
Aug 08 2007 :: Zen Cart modules available for downloadThree Zen Cart modules have been created and are now available to download. These modules enable Zen Cart shop owners to integrate SiteTrust Network seals and feedback feeds into their stores. SiteTrust Feedback Creates a page to display your SiteTrust Network feedback directly on your storeSiteTrust Sidebox Enables you to display a sidebox that contains the SiteTrust Network seal as well as optional textSiteTrust Seal Enables you to display a SiteTrust Network seal in a store side column, but without a surrounding sidebox.Aug 01 2007 :: New Merchant Help CenterDue to the burgeoning collection of features available to merchants, a Merchant Help Center has been created. It can be reached by logging into the merchant area and clicking on Help Center. The help section provides an overview of the merchant account features along with a selection of 'How To' articles. |